On and off of diets, fluctuations in your weight, and battling this idea of body positivity when all you can do is hate who you are and what you look like. I've been there, more times than I'd like to admit.
It doesn't have to be that way! You can love yourself wholeheartedly without being tied to what you look like. I'm a Certified Health Education Specialist that is trained in initiating lasting behavior change. I focus on real health and real wellness through intuitive living and confidence. I've done extensive research and have helped a plethora of clients ditch the self-doubt and step into self-love. Are you ready for that to be you?
You're probably thinking, "what even is body neutrality"...
Body neutrality is a way of being in your body. It's about recognizing that there are things you may not love but you can't change and others part that you see as beautiful but could change in the future. Our bodies are designed to ebb and flow. Being in a neutral place with your body reduces the desire to force and restrict, allowing you to cultivate optimal love from within. It's not hating. It's not obsessing. It's simply just being.
how to eat INTUITIVELY so you can ditch diet culture for good
how to speak to and about yourself
shadow work & healing your inner relationship
manifesting radical acceptance
Discovering who you are, as you are
nourishing your body properly without restriction
janet b
Amber B
joy h