I help women create confidence through intuitive living and wellness.
Being and feeling well is a choice. Choosing wellness may not always be an easy choice but it’s one that allows us to better our lives each and every day. We can’t always decide our state of health and obviously things will happen, but when we choose to live a life full of wellness, we are choosing to live a life worth living; one that excites us, moves us forward, and one that feels fulfilled.
We are often afraid to be the best version of ourselves. Why? Because it’s easier to know and understand our current state than to enter the unknown. Choosing wellness can be a scary thing because we are afraid of what comes next. What happens when we are fully content with our lives? What happens when we are living the life we’ve always wanted? What do we work towards once that happens?
The unknown is scary, so we stick to our comfort zone because we know exactly what to expect, good or bad. It’s easy. It’s easy to let yourself feel small with little accountability. But, when we decide enough is enough and we want to change that, magic happens. We begin to bloom. We get to experience things that make us feel good for a lifetime, rather than for a moment and we get to find what sets our hearts on fire. There is so much world out there that we aren’t experiencing because of fear but fear is the true thief of joy.
Being afraid of change is the same as being afraid of growth. You must change in order to grow. Choosing wellness means that you are choosing to make changes in your life. You are choosing to take control of your actions, reactions, and all that comes your way. Once we commit to changing our habits and lifestyles to be and feel well, we will start to see that even though we are living the life we always wanted, there will always be more growth to occur.
You see, knowledge is endless and there are an infinite number of things to learn and discover about ourselves. Once we get out of our comfort zone and find our true happiness, our time isn’t done, it’s merely just begun. There will always be room for growth. We are in charge of our own happiness. Happiness is a choice. Wellness is a choice. Choosing wellness is when our lives truly start choosing it now.