I help women create confidence through intuitive living and wellness.
Social wellness is all about how you feel around the people you spend the most time with but also how you feel when you are alone. This dimension is one to focus on because it impacts your decision making, your energy, and your ability to grow as a person. It’s an every-changing dimension of wellness because it’s common to outgrow friends. It’s also okay to let go of people that you once considered your greatest confidant. People grow and change and some people stay the same forever.
There isn’t a right or a wrong in the process. You have to trust your gut and go with it. If you believe you’re being cheated on in a relationship, it’s up to you to put your put down. Does your family disrespect you? Speak up. Friends hurting your feelings? Have a talk with them. You always hear that what people say is more of a reflection of them than it is of you. This is true but the way that you allow yourself to be treated reflects more of your confidence than others.
Having boundaries in all of your relationships will help you understand your basic needs and wants from others. This includes your relationships with family, friends, coworkers, romantic partners, and society as a whole. This helps you set a standard of what you will and will not allow from the people closest to of. Over time, these boundaries can be altered through a trust but overall, boundaries should be strong and remain the same throughout the relationships you form in your life. hen people can respect your boundaries, trust forms. These are the people you want by your side no matter what
Boundary setting isn’t that hard. You simply have to recognize what triggers you, makes you feel upset or brings you down. From there, you can set a list of “rules” that you will or will not allow from the people that you love and trust. It’s about recognizing your worth and being willing to put your foot down when you continuously get hurt. Boundaries need to be specific so you can easily identify when something happens to hurt you and the consequences to go along with them. Does something hurt you but not enough to never speak to someone again? Maybe here is where you declare that you need to sit down and voice your feelings. Is there something that is a form of betrayal for you and you can never trust them again? These sorts of boundaries need consequences of removing toxic people from your life.
Growing up my momma always told me that you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. This is also known as the law of averages. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize how true this statement is. The people you spend the most time with influence you, impact your energy, and play a huge role in your success. You have to be mindful of where you stand among your friend group. You never want to be the lowest average in the room but you also never want to be the highest. Leave room for growth but also be able to fit in and feel comfortable. After all, your social circle should be a group of people that you want to turn to for help, not be intimidated by, or not be able to talk to.
Surrounding yourself with people that bring your average down, impacts your social wellness but also impacts every other dimension of wellness. If you hang out with people who have no ambition, don’t care about financials, eat terrible food, refuse to exercise, and aren’t in touch with how they feel, it is likely that you will slowly start to feel this way too. Their energy will begin to be reflected upon you. Whereas, if you choose to surround yourself with uplifting, inspiring people that go for their goals, you will naturally work harder to meet them there.
Obviously you want people to support you, encourage you, and uplift you. This part of social wellness seems like common sense but you would be surprised at how many people are taken advantage of by their friends, family, relationships, and co-workers. You must be able to trust your people and if you can’t then find new friends. I’m serious. Your social wellness drastically impacts how you feel every day. You need to have people that inspire you while cheering you on every step of the way.
If you are looking for a sign to let someone out of your life, here it is. Stop letting toxic people hurt you. There is ALWAYS a way out. Having a strong support system will completely transform your life. Toxic people are ones that suck the energy out of you every time you talk or see them. These people only want to talk about themselves. They generally aren’t interested in your life and if they are, they hurt you along the way. Your true friends should be the people you want to call and cry to and call to celebrate with. If you dread their reactions to things, stop letting them in.
Social wellness includes how independent you are. Relying on everyone else all of the time to make decisions and feel positive in life is not healthy. Being independent means that you are capable of being alone, you can make big decisions by yourself, and you feel content and safe right where you are. There is no need for external validation from others. This increases self-esteem and promotes a sense of accomplishment. When you need support and permission from other people, it’s difficult to get things done and feel good while doing them.
When you cultivate independence in your life, you become stronger financially, emotionally, intellectually, personally, and professionally. You’re able to go for your goals and dreams at a quicker rate. Being independent creates more freedom in your day to day life and not be held back from anyone that doesn’t agree. You’ll become more decisive and therefore more confident. When you rely on others, your voice won’t be heard and it’s much more likely that you will get walked on.
[…] physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. The dimensions of wellness are used as a tool to better understand and improve one’s […]